London Sharad Utsav (LSU) is a Registered UK Charity (No 1160554). Sharad Utsav means “Autumn Festival” and refers to our flagship event - Durga Puja - celebrated over four days of religious and cultural events at Ealing. We arrange four days of cultural performances, religious ceremonies, a place for visitors to congregate for worship, and food (bhog) all provided free of charge. The event has been hosted annually for the last fifteen years. With an assured footfall of over 10000 unique visitors, we have expanded our roster of events to other cultural and community events throughout the year including Folk Music and Arts Festivals, Cricket and Football Leagues, and Art Exhibitions. In partnership with LSU, Bengal Heritage Foundation (BHF), our parent organisation, runs social and cultural events that promote Bengali heritage in the UK.
Detailed Pujor Nirghonto (Coming Soon)
Cultural Events 2024 (Coming Soon)
Sharodiya Parboni Magazine (Coming Soon)
Coming soon
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